Case Studies

We set up our company three years ago after having spent over ten years in developing and implementing networked applications in the corporate arena.

Today we can assist the business who cant buy shrink wrapped products to run their day to day business and need a more personalised intergrated solution.

We work with the client to build from the ground up a product that is keyed into the client's business profile and they can move forward and expands with them.

A full systems analysis takes place with site visits that allows us to understand the real needs of the client.

The system is normally developed in stages and only when we have completed each stage do we move onto the next. This allows each stage to be thoroughly tested before moving on.

We also produce products that can be used straight out of the box see products

At the core of our systems is the contacts management assistant, which is also sold as a standalone product.

Providing Integraded Technology Solutions
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